Catherine Riva
Investigative Journalist

I graduated at the Universities of Lausanne (Switzerland) and St. Petersburg (Russia) in French language and literature, Russian language and literature, and Linguistics. I have been an investigative journalist for over 20 years. I specialize at public health and pharmaceuticals, with emphasis on market approval, conflicts of interest, evidence-based medicine, design and methodology of clinical trials. I train journalists and researchers in the skills needed to investigate Big Pharma and to analyze medical research.

I am a guest speaker at universities and journalism organizations. I am also a translator and author. My investigations have been published as in-depth articles by Swiss media and by peer-reviewed biomedical journals. I won the Suva Media Prize, the Media Prize of the Swiss Academies of Sciences (medicine), and I received the Nicolas Bouvier Prize (Special Jury Prize) with With Serena Tinari, I co-founded Re-Check (, a non-profit organization that investigates and maps health cases according to the principles of evidence-based medicine and to the highest standards of investigative journalism. Re-Check contributes to projects at the intersection of academic research and investigative journalism. 
Catherin Riva
My Experience
In her investigative work, Catherine Riva aims to expose major shortcomings in medical and health communication: undisclosed conflicts of interest, unverified claims, lack of scientific rigor and "copy paste journalism", among others.

Independent investigative journalist in the field of health and medicine: 
  • In-depth articles and book 
  • Contributions to peer-reviewed biomedical journals (The BMJ, BMJ-EBM, The Lancet, JoSPI) 
  • Co-founder of Re-Check, Investigating and Mapping Health Affairs 
  • Participation in the Ghost management project, research grant by SSHRC (Canada) 
  • Trainer and speaker 

Freelance translator: 
  • Russian/French interpreter for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 
  • Translations German/French (science, engineering) for the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF and the Swiss Academies of Art and Science 
  • Co-founder of Dubdolls (translations for the media and film industry)  

My education

Registered in the Swiss professional register (BR), since 2000

Journalism internship

Universities of Lausanne and St. Petersburg
Master’s degree (French language and literature, Russian language and literature, Linguistics) - 1987-1993