TEUTA - Your Home-Based Predictor of Menopause

Mar 8
In a recent study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, a collaboration among the University of Bern, Groningen, Lausanne, and Epistudia introduces TEUTA, a revolutionary home-based risk prediction model for natural menopause onset.

Predicting the timing of menopause holds immense importance for various aspects of women's health, including family planning and implementing prevention strategies for cardiometabolic diseases linked with menopause onset.

TEUTA, an innovative model, was developed to overcome the limitations of existing prediction models, which were found to be prone to high bias risks. The model utilizes five predictors, including age, alcohol consumption, smoking status, education level, and blood pressure.

The development of TEUTA involved analyzing data from Swiss women followed for over a decade. By employing advanced statistical techniques like backward selection and Bayesian Model Averaging, researchers identified the most effective predictors. The model was then externally validated using data from women in the Netherlands.

TEUTA offers a user-friendly approach to predicting menopause onset, providing women with invaluable insights into their reproductive health. This pioneering study signifies a significant leap forward in women's healthcare, offering a practical tool for personalized risk assessment and healthcare planning.

The TEUTA calculator will soon be available at Epistudia, freely accessible to every woman, empowering them with the ability to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.